DAY TWO - Thursday July 18, 2024

8:00 am Morning Networking Coffee

8:50 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

  • Susan Rutberg Director, Bioassays and Molecular Biology, Sanofi


9:00 am Designing Activity Assays for Non-Enzymatic/Structural Protein Products to Confidently & Robustly Measure Potency

  • Uditha deAlwis Vice President - Analytical Development & Quality Control, Sarepta Therapeutics


  • Generating a release assay for measuring downstream protein effects to supplement binding assays and prove potency
  • What kind of in vitro assays are acceptable? Assessing and clarifying agency expectations on binding assay data versus gene-knockdown versus true activity assays
  • Establishing alternative assays to prove that binding studies are meaningful and indicative of potency

9:30 am (NEW DATA) Designing a Potency Assay for a Product with a Complex or Unknown Mechanism of Action to Mimic In Vivo Function & Satisfy Regulators

  • Sangeet Lal Senior Manager - Cell based Potency Assays Dev & Quality Control, 4D Molecular Therapeutics


  • Brainstorming approaches for developing a functional potency assay for proteins with a complicated or unknown function in vivo
  • How many protein read-outs are necessary for products undergoing posttranslational modifications or other structural changes?
  • Determining the stage of development from which multiple protein assays are required to anticipate and overcome the regulatory challenge

10:00 am Enhancing Cell-Based Potency Assay Sensitivity to Overcome Limited Viral Vector Quantity


  • Enhance the transduction efficiency to improve transgene expression
  • Evaluate the impact of full/partial/empty vector on potency
  • Using potency assays to facilitate the process development optimization 

10:30 am ROUNDTABLE: Overcoming Limited Viral Vector Quantity to Create Appropriate Reference Standards Upfront


Roundtable discussions include a larger focus on group discussion. A moderator will introduce the session topic and attendees then split into groups to discuss a series of predetermined agenda points. At the end, all groups report back on their discussions, and findings are collated.

This roundtable will cover:

  • Balancing quality with quantity of reference standards – How do you ensure sufficient quantity of viral vectors for clinical supply?
  • Selecting appropriate cell lines in the generation of reference materials
  • Establishing protocols for dealing with small batches of reference standards and low sample numbers

11:15 am Morning Refreshments & Networking


12:00 pm Development of Potency Assays for AAV Encoded Transgenes Under the Control of Tissue-Specific Promoters


  • Dual reporter-gene assay, highly specific
  • Frozen assay-ready format, low variability, large dynamic range
  • No need for adeno helper virus

12:20 pm ROUNDTABLE: Selecting Appropriate Cell Lines During Potency Assay Development to Maintain Biological Relevance & Reflect Potency In Vivo

  • Hesham Nawar Director- Analytical Development Bioassay, Spark Therapeutics


Roundtable discussions include a larger focus on group discussion. A moderator will introduce the session topic and attendees then split into groups to discuss a series of predetermined agenda points. At the end, all groups report back on their discussions, and findings are collated.

This roundtable will cover:

  • Discussing the factors influencing the appropriate selection of transducible cell lines for batch testing
  • Comparing the relative advantages and disadvantages of working with immortalized versus primary cell lines for potency testing
  • Overcoming limitations associated with utilizing vectors with high specificities in their tropism
  • Understanding the importance of measuring transduction efficiency on your selected cell line to determine biological relevance

1:00 pm Networking Lunch

2:00 pm Human 3D Tissue Models for Functional Potency


  • Advantages of human 3D tissue models for functional potency assessment
  • Biomarkers aren’t enough anymore: enter clinically translational functional assays
  • Best practices for implementing these technologies

2:30 pm (NEW DATA) Develop MoA-Based Potency Assay for a Highly Glycosylated Structure Protein

  • Xiaodong Fang Senior Director & Head of Bioanalysis & Bioassay, AskBio


  • Developing a quantitative and high throughput functional potency assay for a highly glycosylated structure protein
  • Overcoming limitations associated with vectors with muscle-specific promoter
  • Enhancing assay signal windows to facilitate assay development

2:50 pm Insight, Improvement, and Qualification for Infectivity Assay for AAV products


  • The importance of ITA assay in AAV product characterization and the assay design
  • Improvements to solve commonly faced issues affecting infectivity assays with high throughput approaches
  • Method Qualification: strategy, parameters and results

3:20 pm Afternoon Networking Break


3:50 pm Outlining the Key Considerations for Developing Potency Assays for Arenavirus-Based Gene Therapy Products Meet Regulatory Demands


  • Outlining the emergence of gene therapy modalities beyond traditional AAV approaches
  • Evaluation of appropriate potency assays to reflect the Mode of action of arenaviral therapeutics
  • Why T cells matter – challenges in the development of CD8+ T cell activation assays 

4:20 pm Developing a Potency Assays Strategy for a Novel Human Bocavirusbased Gene Therapy

  • Sung Jo Sr. Associate Scientist, Carbon Biosciences


  • What is human bocavirus and why is it is suitable vector for gene therapies against Cystic Fibrosis?
  • Utilising an Ussing chamber chloride ion current as a novel functional assay to assess potency
  • Reflecting on the lessons and learnings from using a novel vector approach to overcome developmental hurdles upfront

4:50 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks & End of Day Two

  • Susan Rutberg Director, Bioassays and Molecular Biology, Sanofi